Parenting the Banana Bros: A Little Privacy Please

From the second that little stick turns pink everyone wants to know if you’re eating correctly, exercising correctly, resting enough...

It’s amazing how the instant you turn into a mom all of your privacy is gone. From the second that little stick turns pink everyone wants to know if you’re eating correctly, exercising correctly, resting enough …. When I was pregnant I even had a few strangers go so far as to walk up to me and touch my belly uninvited in the Target check-out line. Who are these people and where are their manners?  

Well I am here to tell you that it doesn’t get any better once the baby is born. Now it’s just a new version of no privacy, only now it involves tiny people. I can tell you from experience. Tiny people have no boundaries. 

Exhibit A: It’s a Wednesday morning (6:50 am) and I am in my bathroom with the door shut, minding my own business. I have already woken up all 3 kids (Ages 10, 5, & 3) and they are “getting ready”. 

B: Mommy! Mommy! Where are you??!

Mommy: I’m in the bathroom what do you need?

B: K didn’t know where you were. I told her I would find you.  

M: Ok, I’m in the bathroom. I’ll be out in a minute.

Bathroom door flies open. The 5-year-old walks in. 

B: What are you doing in here? 

M: I’m trying to go to the bathroom. Please.

B: Ok. (Runs away. Leaving the bathroom door open). 

 A moment later. 3 year old standing at my feet. 

BX: Mommy, I have boogers in my nose? Can you get them?

M: I’ll be out in a minute. 

BX: Oooookkaaaay

30 seconds later. Both are back. 

B: Mommy, do I have to brush my teeth? I don’t want to brush my teeth today.

M: Yes. Go brush your teeth. 

BX: I still have boogers.

M: I’ll be out in a minute. 

B: Can you help me brush my teeth? I can’t get the toothpaste. 

M: Not right now. I’m pooping. 

B: Well when will you be done pooping?

M: In a minute. Just give me a minute. 

BX: But … I actually want you to get my boogers before you poop. 

M: I’ll be out in a minute. 

In walks the 10 year old. 

K: Can you brush my hair?

M: No.

K: But I need you to brush my hair.

M: And I need you to leave me alone so I can poop. 

It’s a showdown. There we are. 35, 10, 5, and 3 … in my tiny toilet area (which I’m sure was only intended for one person) just staring at each other. Waiting for someone to make a move. They are frozen. I am frozen. Everyone is just watching me. Waiting on poop. It’s as if they are actually listening for a cue that I am finished. 

M: Are you going to leave?

In unison.

K: I need my hair brushed. 

B: I need toothpaste!

BX: I still have boogers! 

This is my life now. This is your life now. Pooping for an audience. For all the effort I’ve put into this, I wish someone would at least give me a “yeah you pooped on the potty” when I was done.