3 Easy Steps to go from Uninspired to Motivated

Preparation for success often requires hard work and isn't always easy. But where do you find your motivation? Check out these techniques to get you started!

Whether it’s dealing with writer’s block or trying to land your dream job, being motivated can make all the difference between SUCCESS and DEFEAT. Preparation for success often requires hard work and isn’t always easy. But where do you find your motivation? Check out these techniques to get you started:

1. Look To Those Around You

The world is filled with people who “could have made it”, but didn’t for a number of reasons. It is also filled with an abundance of success stories. People motivating themselves each day to reach higher and achieve more.

  • Pay attention! You can draw motivation from both types of people. Those who haven’t achieved their goals serve as a reminder of where you probably don’t want to be. They remind us to keep following our dreams. Successful people give us a concrete vision of what is possible, and how far you can reach.
  • Seeing others like you become successful reinforces that it is possible to turn your own dream into a reality.
  • If others can be successful, then why can’t you? Rather than coming up with reasons why you can’t reach success, focus on discovering all the reasons why you can!

2. Stay Focused

When training for a marathon, you spend a significant amount of time running every day. If you’re waking up every morning, subjecting your body to physical exertion, with no meaning behind it, you’re more likely to lose interest.

  • A BIG part of being successful is reminding yourself why you’re making all these preparations. Set goals and make a vision board. At the very least, write it all down.
  • When you remember why you have set a goal, you’ll devote more energy and preparation into achieving outstanding results.
  • It’s important to stay centered on the reason you’re doing something, and if you’re unable to come up with a reason, perhaps you should be doing something else.

3. Believe In Yourself

When you’re in the trenches – working hard each day, facing the daily grind, on your way to victory, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. We begin to question ourselves and our abilities. Stop that!

  • Remind yourself every day.
  • Stay positive and have faith in your talent and hard work. Refrain from planting a seed of doubt in anything that you do.
  • Continue to move forward even when you’re not clear where your steps will take you.
  • Even if you’re not sure exactly how you’re going to achieve your goal, being willing to take the first step is the hardest part. Even the smallest steps towards a goal are steps in the right direction. Know in your heart that you’ll succeed.

Practice these techniques every day and soon you’ll find the motivation you need. Identifying the right motivation that comes naturally is the best kind. Soon, lackluster efforts will be a thing of the past, and you will be soaring towards your success!