Here’s How to Boost Your Instagram Visibility! 

Did you know: over half of all Instagram accounts browse the Explore section at least once per month (that’s at least 500 million accounts). Now, when was the last time your Instagram post appeared on the Explore page? If your answer is never, then keep reading because below is a not-so-secret guide to Instagram SEO and hacks on boosting your profile visibility. 

Here’s How to Boost Your Instagram Visibility! 

Did you know: over half of all Instagram accounts browse the Explore section at least once per month (that’s at least 500 million accounts). Now, when was the last time your Instagram post appeared on the Explore page? If your answer is never, then keep reading because below is a not-so-secret guide to Instagram SEO and hacks on boosting your profile visibility. 

Revive Hashtags 

Although it seems like the prominence of hashtags has been on a steady decline since 2007, its power will live on eternally. Treat hashtags like blog keywords. Using a tool like RiteTag helps to identify the best hashtags for your post. 


Just because Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags doesn’t mean you should use that many… #overkill. Using 11 hashtags is the golden ticket! Also, be sure to add hashtags in your IG story posts to connect with others in your field. 

Quality Photos and Captions 

A recent study found that Instagram posts with human faces were 38 percent more likely to receive likes than those photos without faces. Boost your visibility by catering to Instagram’s SEO formula. Select high-quality images that entice your audience to inquire more about your business. 


To caption your photo, be descriptive but blunt with what you’re presenting. According to Instagram, AI will pick up on the keywords in your captions and will lump your post together with other fitting accounts. The goal is to appear on a user’s Explore Page and using clever, keyword-friendly captions is your best bet. 

Be Findable 

One of the most counterintuitive practices you can commit is being undiscoverable. Avoid this by making sure your profile is public and that your username includes a main keyword. For example, if you are a comedian, be sure to include ‘comedy’ in the handle, etc. 


Using location tags in posts and in your account biography can lead to 79 percent more engagement. Braving the sea of Instagram can be rocky, but I’m here to help guide you through the turmoil to relieve stress. 


Research the Instagram Algorithm

In the Instagram Algorithm, crawlers look for six variables to determine what each account’s Newsfeed would look like. These include:


Timeliness: When photos are posted 

Usage: Time spent on Instagram 

Interest: Predictions over what you might care about the most 

Relationship: Priority over family, friends and frequently interacted accounts 

Following: If you have a larger follower number, IG will limit the chances of seeing the same post twice 

Frequency: How often you open Instagram


The Instagram algorithm is not a perfect science, but has an enormous hand in what your audience may see. Use this to your advantage and recognize the best posting times/rates. 

Instagram SEO Wrap-up 

The best rule of thumb for increasing Instagram SEO is to not engage in a game of hide-and-seek. Tweak your account to be discoverable so your post will rank higher on the Explore Page and your follower’s Newsfeed. Hopefully these tips can help boost your Instagram visibility!

By Keely Cohen-Breen