Here’s How to Boost Your Instagram Visibility! 

Did you know: over half of all Instagram accounts browse the Explore section at least once per month (that’s at least 500 million accounts). Now, when was the last time your Instagram post appeared on the Explore page? If your answer is never, then keep reading because below is a not-so-secret guide to Instagram SEO and hacks on boosting your profile visibility. 

Wait! Don’t Scratch That Social Media Itch 

Ahhhhh, social media… you hate to love it. We’re all guilty of getting sucked into a TikTok wormhole or aimlessly scrolling through pages and pages of profiles on Instagram, but when does it all become too second nature? Social media is addicting and studies have consistently shown the connection between mental health decline and extended periods of platform usage. 

Resist Media Multitasking

Focusing on one task at a time is good for your health. You may want to consider changing some of your media habits. 

Negotiate Your Way to Success

Do you encounter situations when you feel very strongly about how something should be carried out or completed? Do you feel annoyed that the others don’t see the situation the same as you? 

Virtual Networking Tips & Tricks 

Networking — we all love to hate it. But when experts say that networking alone fills 85% of all jobs, it’s kinda hard to ignore. With 2021 continuing the trend of a new, more remote “normal” how does networking continue to prosper? 

Podcast Review: The Renner Files

Comedy Podcast, “The Renner Files” Dishes on Jeremy Renner, Celebrity App Culture and Ego-Mania and we give you the down low!

Tips & Tricks for the Unorganized

The key is to evaluate and then take small steps toward a more organized life. Trying to change everything at once, only adds to the chaos.

Working Smarter, Not Harder

What if it’s not about doing more, but how you do what you’re doing. What if it’s about maximizing your potential instead.